A dedicated group of grades 10-11 BL students has enthusiastically volunteered to bring joy and excitement to the recess periods of our elementary classes. With their energetic spirits, the S1-S2 are organizing various activities and games. While we highly encourage such behavior that fosters the seeds of collaborative work, patience and responsibility in our youngsters, we are also aware that we need to assist them on this road. It is in this respect that the school rector, Sister Nawal Akiki, met up with them. Together, they devised a plan for activities, highlighting the importance of proper communication and values to transmit to the elementary students. It was also an opportunity for our high schoolers to share their thoughts and ideas with Sr Nawal.
We are sure that their commitment to fostering a sense of community and fun exemplifies the values of leadership we strive to instill in our students, especially that they not only brighten the recess periods but also inspire the elementary students to embrace kindness and volunteerism.