What do you want to be when you get older? Are you looking for a job or a career? Do you want to have a successful professional life? Questions that...
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Since choosing a career is not an easy task, our students are given several opportunities to get acquainted with a number of professions. One such ev...
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Wednesday, December 4th was a lovely day well spent at Banque du Liban Head office in Hamra by the ES students where several training and informative ...
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USJ- ESIB campus opened its doors again this year for all students. Both Grades 11 and 12 got the opportunity to spend an afternoon there, to meet th...
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As part of the SOI orientation sessions, the British Council represented by Ms. Lucie Nakhle honored us with her presence today. She gave valuable inf...
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Last Friday the Lebanese University Opened its doors wide and welcomed our G11 and G12 students to orient them to all the Faculties and Majors. The e...
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Once again LAU representative Mrs. Grace Saliba honored us today with her presence at the school but this time not only to cater to the students queri...
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The SOI organized a visit to EDEX- Education and Orientation Forum 2018- Seaside Arena Downtown Beirut, on Friday November 16, 2018 from 3.30PM till 7...
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A One-Day Fair Friday October 26, 2018 took place at SSCC Ain Najm and its main aim was to inform students about study opportunities, new majors, requ...
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